Israel mission 2025
Join Olami and friends for a trip not to be forgotten!
Flight Included
Fly out from Toronto with the group
Meals Daily
Includes breakfast, lunch & dinner
Hotel Sleeping
Nice accodommodations in Jerusalem
Extend Your Trip
Stay in Israel longer!
Birthright Freepass
This trip doesn’t affect your Birthright trips
Trip Dates
Sunday June 8 – 16, 2025
F.A.Q. Frequently Asked Questions
Can I go ont his trip if I already did Birthright?
Yes! This is a special mission that you can do even BEFORE or AFTER Birthright Israel Experience.
Can I still go on Birthright if I do this trip?
Birthright is one of our partners and would like people to do the REGULAR Birthright Experience, AND ALSO do this mission!
So you CAN do both!
What is the age limit?
The age range for participants is 18- 32.
Mentors can be older.
Is there cancellation & health issurance?
In case of a war or extreme safety situation, the trip is covered with cancellation and travel insurance.
Furthemore, every participant will be provided with health inssurance.
Is this trip co-ed?
There are TWO seperate and simultaneous SINGLE-GENDER trips going on at the same time. They are not co-ed
I’ll already be in Israel, so what now?
Great! Just meet up with us. However you must still pay the full amount.
How much is the cost?
We will cover the flight from Toronto, as well as ground costs.
However there is a minimum of $599 USD that you must pay.