Welcome to

Olami Toronto.

We’re a young, vibrant community interested in the search for meaning, joy and the unique ways we can make ourselves and the world simply better. We’re a modern Jewish tribe! 

Our Programs


Join an amazing group of young adults for a ten week discovery of Judaism, in a fun, engaging way. Meet other college-age students, eat delicious foods, earn a $400 stipend and more!

YP Sipping on Success

Get in touch with the greater you as you learn the science of self development. At the same time, hang out with mature young adults 26+ in a cool setting & vibe!


A whole new experience, with new educators, new faces, and an incredible time, exclusively for the alumni of all our programs.

Executive Board

Network with other young adults, meet successful business-people from all walks of life, food and drinks too!

women’s level up

A night for women to step it up, come together with great new people, food and wisdom!

KOLLEL – men’s learning

Come out to upgrade your life with amazing, fun and relevant Jewish wisdom! Meet others like you, connect over interactive discussions, a trip stipend and Shabbaton!



Check out the Photo Gallery

Past Events

About Us


Executive Board
Level Up
Power Hour
Sipping on Success